Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baby Boy is 1!

I can't believe Tyler is 1 already.  This year has flown by so quickly.  I remember the events minute by minute as they occurred on the day he was born.  He caught us by surprise and decided to come 1 day before my scheduled c-section date.  This meant all of our planning went right out the window.  Zak & Ryder rode in the car with me (yes, I drove myself to the hospital) while Ben dropped his work truck off at his office.  The boys got to see me just before having my c-section and then came back the next day to meet Tyler.

Tyler had his 1 year appointment this week with the pediatrician.  They are very happy with his development and pretty much said to just keep doing what we are doing.  He was 22lb 11oz which is the 50%, 31.5 inches long which is the 95%, and his head circumference was 47cm which is the 75%.  So he is growing well.  He has gained a total of about 14.5 pounds and grown 11.5 inches in his first year of life.

His newest skill is walking!!  Here is a video...