Monday, November 8, 2010

Madelyn's 2nd Birthday Party

My mom flew in from FL on Friday evening so she could be here for Madelyn's birthday party. On Saturday morning around 9am we packed up the car and headed to Annapolis for the day. We had lunch with my mom, Chelley & Madelyn then did some last minute shopping for the party. The party was fun and all of the kids seemed to enjoy it. After the party we went to dinner with my mom and then hung out at Chelley's apartment for a little while. The three kids all played together so well.

Some people that teach with Chelley and their kids
Madelyn playing with the kitchen we gave her
We brought home the boys' baby car seat from Chelley this weekend. The boys both took turn laying in it and being a baby. Every time we bring something baby home they like to pretend to be babies although I think Zak is convinced he really is.

A week or so ago Ben brought home some stuff from one of his job sites for the boys to play with. They are started to really enjoy dressing up and pretend play...