Monday, August 18, 2008

Ryder's MRI

This morning Ryder and I had a very early morning! We got to the hospital at 5:30am for his brain MRI. We got checked in pretty quickly and saw the nurse, pediatrician, and anesthesiologist over the next hour or so. They were running a little behind, but we were finally taken to the MRI room around 8am (scheduled for 7:30am). They let me hold him while he was falling asleep and then I laid him down on the table and had to go back to the waiting room. Once he was asleep they put an IV in and then did the MRI. I was called back to recovery at 9:10am and we were home by 10am. He is doing good, just a little cranky. The results will be sent to the pediatrician and geneticist within the next few days.