Saturday, March 31, 2012
Videos from Cinderella Ball
Posted by April at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Cinderella Ball
This afternoon while the boys took a nap Ben and I went to the car and messed around with the car seats. We wanted to figure out what would work best once Tyler arrives. We decided this is how the seats will go. For now, we took Tyler's car seat out, but left the boys' seats in their new places. Before we had each of the boys next to a door.
Posted by April at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Big Baby Boy
Today I had my growth ultrasound. I love getting to see baby boy every 4 weeks on the screen. I went into today's scan knowing he is a big boy, but had no clue just how big. They measure the head circumference, femur length, and the abdomen circumference in order to get the estimated weight of the baby. I have gotten pretty good at following the measurements and figuring out just how big he is. Today I am 34 weeks along. His head size and leg length were measuring around 35.5 weeks, but his abdomen was measuring at 38 weeks, yikes! So once all that was put into the computer it said he is weighing 6lb 9oz already! That is in the 97% for 34-weekers. He is definitely a big boy. He has been growing good the whole time...
Posted by April at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
On Monday I went to the hospital for my Non-Stress Test which I have scheduled for every Monday & Thursday. This test checks for contractions, watches the baby's heart rate, and checks for good movement of the baby. They also check my fluid level every Thursday. After being hooked up on the monitors for about 15 minutes they discovered I was having contractions every 3 minutes! So I was moved to triage for more testing.
Posted by April at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 17, 2012
We have finished working on Tyler's room now. We added some baseball wall decals to try and break up the color a bit. Here are some pictures of everything...
Posted by April at 4:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Update On the Boys
I haven't done an update on the boys for a while so here goes...
Posted by April at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Working on the Nursery
Ben has been busy working on the nursery. He had to Spackle a bunch of areas where the boys had made holes and dents. Then he let the boys help him with the painting. The boys had lots of fun, but of course Ben had to go back over their wall to fix it.
Posted by April at 9:11 PM 0 comments