Friday, December 12, 2008

Daddy was Bad Today

Well, today went much better than yesterday. The boys were in slightly better moods, but at least today they were having tantrums in the privacy of our house and not out in the public. This morning we played with their shape sorter for a long time...Zak is getting really good at putting the circle and triangle in the right places and Ryder is doing great with the circle. I chose not to venture outside today after our traumatic experience last night. Zak & Ryder ate much better today also which is good, hopefully they are starting to feel better and will be back to their normal selves soon. They did choose to boycott nap time today which did not make me very happy. I know that if they don't nap then the evening will not go well so I gave them some extra milk and tried to lay them down again later and they finally slept for about an hour.

Ben got home at a decent time today which was nice. He made dinner and fed the boys while I ran out to Walgreens to print out some pictures I need to mail out along with pictures for Ryder's communication book. It took me forever because of the person ahead of me so I didn't get home until it was bedtime for the boys. Ben had already given them a bath and was getting them ready for bed when I got home.

Now for why daddy (aka Ben) was a bad boy today. He taught Zak something that I am not very happy about. I was walking past Ben while in the boys room this evening and he touched my butt (sorry if this is too much info). Well, the next thing I know Zak is walking up behind me and hits my butt! I told Ben he needs to watch what he does in front of the boys because they are at the age that they like to copy what adults are doing. I have been trying to get Ben to stop throwing balls and playing really rough when he is with the boys because I am trying to get Zak to stop throwing things at people and if he sees daddy doing it then he will think it is OK to do. I guess boys will be boys and they really never do grow up!

A picture from bath time tonight